Many BAs perform senior roles, with responsibility for significant improvements in their organisations. The Expert BA Award is designed to recognise this higher level of capability. The BA Manager Forum is the Awarding body and administrator for the Expert BA Award. Members of the Forum will participate as assessors for the Award.


Two bodies, BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT and The Chartered Management Institute, have endorsed the Expert BA Award.

BCS has taken a long term interest in developing professionalism within business analysis and have established the Diploma in Business Analysis. BCS also offer certification in Consultancy Practice.

The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) awards certification within the strategic management and consultancy area. Their higher level qualifications place an emphasis on stakeholder relationship management, leadership and influencing, mentoring and coaching and strategic execution – all of which are key features of the Expert BA Award.

The Assessment Process

The assessment process for the Expert BA Award is designed to provide a comprehensive and transparent assessment of applicant ability. The process is aligned with similar certifications from other related disciplines and is illustrated below.


Origins of the Award

The Expert BA Award was first conceived at the BA Manager Forum in June 2011. A white paper setting out the case for the Expert BA Award, including its make-up and the model of assessment, was developed following this event. The white paper was distributed to BA practice leads from over sixty organisations for review and comment.

Expert BA White Paper

A proposal was made for an award that would ensure that the higher level of expertise demonstrated by senior BAs is recognised through external assessment and certification. The aim was to develop an award that would differentiate holders from other professional BAs. The Award has moved through a pilot stage and is now offered to senior business analysts.

Purpose and benefits

Higher level certification will help establish longer term career development for BAs, benefitting the individual, the organisation and profession as a whole. The Expert BA Award provides a benchmark of capability for organisations to use during staff management activities such as appraisal and recruitment. For the individual, it provides BA career longevity and greater distinction form peers in the wider market. The Award will provide an opportunity for Business Analysts to better demonstrate the full contribution the profession has to make.

Full guidance notes are available here.

For further information or to talk through the Award in detail please contact