Courses 01844 211665 Data Management Essentials Course Data Analysis Course Organisations devote a lot of time, money and effort to ensure they manage important aspects of their business such as People, Finance and Assets, Processes and Infrastructure.Many organisations don't recognise that, especially in the 21st Century, information and data are aspects equally deserving of their attention. Some may be under the impression that they do manage their information and data. The IT function within the organisation tends to develop and manage systems to requirements written by business analysts with data schemas developed by technical designers, and so the following issues need to be considered:Is the data and information fit for purpose? That is, does it support the needs of the organisation?Can business managers trust the information output from information systems in order to make significant decisions?Is the organisation meeting all the legislative and regulatory compliance issues related to data?AssistKD's courses in this section are relevant to managers, analysts and developers and help them apply techniques in order to:Understand the business relevance, meaning (semantics) and rules that apply to the data by use of appropriate models, descriptions and requirementsApply these consistently across the organisation's various departments, processes and information systemsUtilise Information Technology to store and manipulate the data appropriately.Transform and analyse the data to provide meaningful information to the organisation.