Courses 01844 211665 Systems Development Essentials using Agile course Systems Modelling Techniques Course Foundation in Architecture Concepts and Domains Course ISTQB Software Testing Foundation Course Business Analysis Practice Course Systems Design Techniques Course Solution Development Diploma – Oral Preparation Workshop Solution development is concerned with the development and delivery of business and IT solutions. The traditional disciplines of systems analysis and systems design are key components of solution development. However, solution development also needs to encompass the emerging concerns of architecture and popular alternatives to solution delivery such as service-based approaches and software package acquisition.There are four key elements in solution development:Developing analysis models from the requirements identified by the business analyst. These requirements models may form the basis of bespoke development or software package selection and customisation.For a bespoke solution, developing design models and solutions which fulfil functional requirements but also possess characteristics of good design; such as modularity, reusability, usability, security, reliability, which are often explicitly specified as non-functional requirements.For a software package solution, participating in a structured and auditable approach to purchasing a software package and integrating it into the processes, architecture and strategy of the organisation.Developing architectural models that are consistent at different levels and enforce principles of good practice and enterprise wide policies relating to the development of solutions.