Graphics, diagrams and other useful resources taken from our conference presentations, talks, articles and webinars. Graphic Images BA Conference 2019 This is the graphic recording from the Business Analysis Conference 2019. Click the image to zoom in. Service Design Webinar 1: Roles, Personas and Customer Journeys These visual notes were very kindly created by Chris Elliott. They represent the content of AssistKD’s Service Design webinar ‘Roles, Personas and Customer Journeys: Challenges and Misconceptions’ held on 31st March 2023. Quizzes Name the BA Technique 2019At the BA Conference 2019 the Name the Technique competition once again made a return. Once the winner was annouced, AssistKD then subsequently posted the questions on a week by week basis across social media platforms. The PDF is available for download (see below) and contains both the questions and the answers. Download Name the BA Technique 2018At the BA Conference 2018 we were delighted to introduce the Name the Technique competition. Once the winner was annouced, AssistKD then subsequently posted the questions on a week by week basis across social media platforms. The PDF is available for download (see below) and contains both the questions and the answers. Download