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Just ahead of series two of the BA Brew podcast we have a minute of out-takes from series one.


In our Season 1 Finale, what other subject could our illustrious foursome tackle but “Is there a future for Business Analysis?”  

Join us for an informed discussion on the integrity and necessity of the BA skillset. Listen out for the BA ‘awkward teenage years’ and just how BAs might save the planet. The revolution starts here! 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul, Jonathan Hunsley and Mike Williams with Adrian Reed of Blackmetric Business Solutions.


For the those of you in need of a BA pick-me-up this podcast is for you. Learn about the Young Business Analysts (YBA) initiative and how this has grown from an initial idea to over 400 members in the space of only a few months. Lots of energy in the room and far too much fun. Sit back and enjoy hearing from the stars of the future; your profession is in good hands. 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul and Jonathan Hunsley with Emma Myers and Lauren Howes, two of the founders of the YBA group. 

Find out more about YBA here.


We look at the book Switch by Chip and Dan Heath, recommended by our latest podcast guest Jo Gray. It’s a beast of a book but we look at the big themes and some well-thought out tactics for realising change. Listen out for the “bright spots” (a nice twist on the normal focus on problems) and Jo’s example of how powerful a visual demonstration of a situation requiring change can be. 

Participants: AssistKD’s Jonathan Hunsley and Mike Williams with Jo Gray, Senior Consultant at Socitm Advisory.


“Failing fast” is a software engineering term which has become part of management speak, but does this widely accepted mindset serve any real purpose? We challenge the term and discuss the better approach of “test and learn” where there’s an opportunity to reflect and to find alternative ways forward. Listen out for the Rice Krispie incident – one not to be missed! 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul, Mike Williams and Jonathan Hunsley.

Put the kettle on, the hot topic of virtual facilitation is up for discussion. There’s plenty to think about including the preparation, hard work, behaviours and props required for effective facilitation. Expect a few gems from guest David Beckham (not that one) along the way including Celebrity Squares and what he calls the ‘Depeche Mode’ moment… 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul and Jonathan Hunsley with David Beckham, Principal Consultant at ChuDo Consulting.


Are you a natural networker or does it feel like a chore? Here the AssistKD crew discuss the joys (and perils) of networking in both face to face and virtual environments such as LinkedIn. There are top tips and important watch words along the way for people from all backgrounds. Listen on! 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul, Jonathan Hunsley and Nicole Rayner.


Think “value” is a word you can bandy around loosely? Think again! In our latest podcast we provide that ‘stop and think’ moment to consider what value really means for organisations and customers. The crew look at how value is co-created and the critical role the business analyst has to play in this process. Listen on… 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul, Mike Williams and Pete Thompson.


In the new ‘normal’, for many of us our homes have become our offices. Join us for an honest discussion about the many joys, perils, frustrations and practicalities of working from home including the temptations of the biscuit tin. Expect a useful share of experience… and who knew virtual charades was a thing! Happy listening. 

Participants: AssistKD’s Jonathan Hunsley, Mike Williams and Nicole Rayner.

Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed. Could the RACI technique be the most misunderstood and underrated technique in business? In our latest podcast passions run high as we look at how making roles and responsibilities crystal clear is key to empowerment, collaboration and business success. Enjoy the listen. 

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul, Mike Williams and Jonathan Hunsley.


In AssistKD’s very first BA Brew we put the kettle on and kicked off by discussing Spencer Johnson’s famous book “Who Moved My Cheese?” and how it speaks to the role of Business Analyst. The book challenges “the way things have always been done around here” and is a timely prompt to rethink how we adapt to radical change. A lively 20 minute discussion, hope you enjoy it!  

Participants: AssistKD’s Debra Paul, Mike Williams and Jonathan Hunsley.